Terms of participation

Anyone who is at least 18 years old can take part. Please send us up to three photos of properties located in the district of Tübingen. You do not have to be the owner of private land. Please let us know the address or, in the case of public land, the rough location. In addition, we can only award prizes for gardens, green spaces and balconies if we and other media are allowed to mention at least your first name and the district of Tübingen on websites and social networks. Because stories are best associated with people, we prefer first names and surnames. We also ask you to grant us permission to use the photos: for all websites and media that report on the photo competition. You can read our privacy policy here.




In addition to the photos, please tell us why birds, insects, hedgehogs or squirrels feel so at home here. Why do you like this place so much yourself? And why was it worth leaving the lawnmower out more often? Which rare animals are your guests? Why do the neighbors always stop here in amazement? In short - what makes your natural surroundings so special?

Tell us about it in a few sentences.

We will contact the winners by e-mail by the end of June.




Text for the participation email to info@buntewiese-tuebingen.de:


I agree to the use of my name and the location in the context of the Bunte Wiese photo competition. I also agree to the unrestricted use of the photos submitted by me by the Colorful Meadow in social networks and on the website as well as in media reports of all kinds. I confirm that I took the photos in the district of Tübingen. I have taken note of the Bunte Wiese privacy policy.


First name:


What you associate with the colorful area / your story:




Please write “no” after last name if you do not want to see your last name mentioned.



Initiative Bunte Wiese


Auf der Morgenstelle 28E

Evolutionsbiologie der Invertebraten


72076 Tübingen



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